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1. 钢结构加工图:专业建模团队,熟悉各种工艺流程,加工厂十年技术服务经历,出图迅速、服务周到。 |
1. Steel structure detail : Professional team, familiar with all kinds of process flow, processing factory ten years technical service experience, Drawings quickly, Good service. |
1.1 中国钢结构加工图 China steel structure detail 1.1.1 工业厂房钢结构加工图 Industrial workshop steel structure detail
1.1.2 框架钢结构加工图 Frame steel structure detail
1.1.3 钢骨混凝土组合结构加工图 Steel reinforced concrete composite construction detail
1.1.4 桥梁钢结构加工图 Bridge steel structure detail
1.2 澳大利亚钢结构加工图 Australia steel structure detail
1.3 英国钢结构加工图 British steel structure detail |